Albergo Diffuso Polcenigo Srl


There are many areas and things that our guests can discover starting from our Albergo Diffuso. The Source of Santissima, The Gorgazzo, the Mills and the Sawmills, etc. .etc...

Park of San Floriano See more
SAN FLORIANO RURAL PARK The Park is spread over 55 hectares where we can find cultivated...
Santissima See more
The spring in Santissima, a village belonging to the municipality of Polcenigo, together with...
Gorgazzo See more
The Gorgazzo Spring is characterised by a wonderful shimmering shade of turquoise which...
"Marcite" or water-meadows See more
"Marcita" is the Italian word for water-meadow. It is also an ancient farming technique...
Palù di Livenza See more
Palù di Livenza has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 27 June 2011 and it is now one of...
Watermills See more
In the past the area now belonging to the municipality of Polcenigo was rich in watermills...
Risina di Coltura See more
An interesting place to visit is the so-called "Risina di Coltura", a channel crossing a natural...