Albergo Diffuso Polcenigo Srl




The history of Polcenigo begins with its castle, standing on a hill and overlooking the hamlet at its feet. Legend has it that back in 875 AD Charles the Bald gave this crucial sighting point to the lieutenant Count of Blois from France. The Emperor Otto I gave it to the Prince-Bishop of Belluno and in 973 AD gave the stronghold to the Master-at-Arms Fantuccio, who was bestowed title of feudatory. From the Fantuccio family descended the Counts of Polcenigo. The Counts of Polcenigo became vassals of the Patriarch of Aquileia and took part in the Parlament de Patrie dal Friûl (the ancient Parliament of Friuli) as "free noblemen". So the military stronghold turned into a real medieval castle joined to the hamlet at the feet of the hill by 365 steps. A disastrous fire destroyed the castle, that was finally rebuilt by the Venetian architect Matteo Lucchisi between 1738 and 1770. After the reconstruction, though, the castle was no longer a medieval fortress, but more akin to a Venetian villa. Nowadays you can still see its perimeter walls.



- Fullini Palace

The palace belonging to the Fullini family, whose members obtained the title of "counts of Cuccagna, Zucco and Partisano" from the Republic of Venice in the 17th century, stands majestically in Plebiscito Square. The façade features a beautiful Venetian portico with five bossed arches and two three-mullioned windows, while the interior of the palace is decorated with beautiful stuccoes of the 18th century. On 15 April 1809 the adopted son of Napoleon I, the Viceroy of Italy Eugène de Beauharnais, slept in this palace the day before the battle of Camolli.


- Croda Tower

Croda Tower is a three-storey building dating back to the 13th–14th century, obtained from an angular tower once part of the defensive walls of the city. Noteworthy is the stone staircase leading to the first floor. The left side of the ground floor features a carpenter’s workshop with original 20th century tools.


- Polcenigo Palace

The Polcenigo Palace was built in the 17th century and it belongs to a branch of the Polcenigo family. Here lived Countess Maria Giuseppina "Mimma" Polcenigo, last heir of the noble family, who died in 2000. Next to the building there is a former silk factory with an ancient water frame powered by the water of the Gorgazzetto Brook. The brook still flows beneath the building today. The factory closed in the 1850s.


- Pezzutti House

Pezzutti House is adjoined to Polcenigo Palace and, like the latter, was built in the 17th century to house the other branch of the Polcenigo family, after the partition of the family's estates at the beginning of the 19th century.
The building is a fine example of sober and functional architecture. Noteworthy is the elegant three-mullioned window opening in the second defensive wall.


- Zaro Palace

The Counts of Polcenigo were forced to sell Zaro Palace in order to pay the ransom of the brothers Marzio and Gio Batta, who were taken prisoners by Turks. In 1606, the building was bought by the descendants of Lodovico Manin (a very rich banker from Udine).
The noble floor features a very large reception room with "Sansovino-style" wooden-beamed ceilings and a 16th century mantelpiece. The back of the palace overlooks a beautiful ornamental garden.


- Scolari-Salice Palace

The Palace, dating back to the 16th century, was the abode of a noble family. It was completely renovated over the centuries, nevertheless it is still possible to see the two sturdy quadrilobate columns which survived the Turkish invasion, the gate dated 1515, the balconies and the barchessa dating back to the 17th century. Inside, over the staircase, you can see the beautiful barrel-vault ceilings featuring large rose-like decorations. There is also a fireplace displaying the Savorgnan family coat of arms.
The Italian garden was designed by engineer Pietro Quaglia (1810–1882) and consists of two separate areas: the first one features split-level terraces, while the second one features a path with a low hedge, leading to a panoramic view of Polcenigo. From here it is possible to admire both the architecture and the landscape of this suggestive hamlet.




The church stands where there was once the western city gate of Polcenigo and can therefore be considered a sort of "celestial door". This is also why the church was dedicated to St. Roch, usually invoked against plague, a disease allegedly brought by travellers and foreigners entering the town. It is commonly believed that the thick bell tower was one of the towers of the city walls.



The Ognissanti (All Saints) Church was built in 1371 for the people of Polcenigo, who until then had to attend mass in the parish church of San Giovanni. In the early 19th century the Ognissanti Church was dedicated to Our Lady of Good Health and was therefore renamed Madonna della Salute Church.



The former Franciscan monastery stands between the hamlet of Polcenigo and its castle. It was first documented in 1262 and was eventually closed down by the Republic of Venice in 1769.
Still today you can admire part of the cloister, the painted ceiling coffers, some rooms with medieval decorations and a chapter house decorated with 15th century metopes.
The church is an elegant mix of elements from different periods. The gate, for example, dates back to the 16th century, the interiors date back to the 17th century (noteworthy is the altarpiece depicting the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, by the painter Egidio Dall'Oglio and the organ built by the Venetian organ maker Giacinto Pescetti), while the fine frescoes date back to the 14th century.



Allegedly built around 1221, the church dedicated to St. Lawrence was last renovated after the earthquake in 1936. It features a single nave and an 18th century tabernacle by Giovanni Battista Bettini as well as a 17th century altarpiece by Tiziano Vecellio depicting the Holy Trinity with St. Lawrence and St. Stephen.



Used at first to celebrate pagan rites, the site later became home to an ancient building for Christian ceremonies.
It is a pilgrimage destination dear to couples who cannot have children and/or women who cannot breastfeed their babies.
It features a 16th century colonnade, a 17th century altar by the workshop of Ghirlanduzzi and a fine altarpiece by Domenico da Tolmezzo dated 1494.



The church dedicated to St. John already existed back in the 14th century, but it was further expanded and modified up until 1961. It features a 16th century painting depicting the Holy Trinity, an 18th century painting by Egidio Dall'Oglio, two paintings by Father Sebastiano Valvasori and two beautiful altars by Antonio Nardo.



The 15th century oratory dedicated to St. Michael stands in the city centre of the characteristic hamlet of Mezzomonte.